Dear Ms. Jillian Duchnowski:
Boy have I learned my lesson; never talk to the press with the expectation that the truth will be revealed by them. In most cases you can probably expect that you will get a STORY created to titillate the readers and stir controversy and increase sales and circulation and not even an attempt at getting at the underlying factors that are at the heart of the matter. What a lot of reporters (not journalists) want is to get their STORY on the front page of a newspaper in big black print with their name written below.
I also resent the implied insinuation that I doled out pain meds like some street corner dealer supplying his customers with their needs. If I could count the times I gave patients free samples or medications (freely at my cost) that they needed but could not afford it might be more than the hairs on your head. I am truly saddened and disheartened at the way you approached this, seemingly setting up your agenda to go where you wanted to go and report and dismissing the things that did not fit your agenda or version of the truth. I wish you well on your journey to become a journalist.
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