If you believe the democratic politicians in control of the Congress of the United States the overhaul health care bill being proposed will be funded primarily by the "rich"; a 5.4% increase in the tax on individuals making more than $500,000 / year and couples making more that $1 million per year commencing in 2011. According to the Democrats this would only affect 0.3% of tax filers. So,playing the devil's advocate that would mean that they would not loose that many votes from the middle class. A smart strategy if you believe the numbers; I don't. Most of the entitlement programs that have been created have started out with low ball estimates and when all is said and done have reached costs 10 to 20 times or higher than the initial low ball figures thrown at the American people...that is a fact of life and history. How can you trust the Congress when they can't even run the government well; something they are paid very well for and with a myriad of benefits witch we the average citizens don't have and if politics continue "as usual" will never have.
Now, I believe in the theory of "Trickle Down Taxation"; a theory proposed by myself. The basic core of my theory is that when they milk all they can from the so-called "rich" they will then redefine "rich" to include the upper 1/3 of the middle class and when that has been mined for all the extra taxes needed then the middle 1/3 and so forth and so on....where does it end...bankruptcy of the country and financial collapse. We all know, deep within our inner being, there are NO FREE LUNCHES...someone somewhere always pays the bill. What happens however when you run out of the someones and somewheres?
Think about it...someday you may be defined as being super-rich for the sake of being in a tax bracket so that your finances can be mined by the IRS... only in America. God bless us and save us...He may be the only one Who can!
Danjela Sandberg Mails in Support of Her Candidacy for Road Commissioner on
From Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg seeking
votes on Tuesday in the Republican Primary Election:
The post Danjela Sandberg Mai...
8 hours ago
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