THE PROPER ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IS TO PROTECT EQUAL RIGHTS, NOT PROVIDE EQUAL THINGS. This was one of the fundamental principles that the Founding Fathers knew had to be used, based on reason and the natural law, in the Constitution of the United States. They understood that even though it was in vogue in Europe, at the time, (and even today) the act of taking from the "rich" and giving to the "poor" contained a glaring fallacy.
That glaring fallacy was and still is that the people cannot empower their government with powers which they themselves do not have a natural lawful right to themselves. A proper assignment of power given to the government by the people would be the creation of a fire department; to protect life and their property. An example of an improper granting of a power to a government would be for example; the government surveys families in an area and finds that 50% of the families in this area has two TVs and the other 50% has none. Then in the name of beneficence or call it warped "social justice", a new name for Marxism, the government creates an immoral but legal law that orders the families with two TV to give one of their TVs to a family with none all in the name of "spreading the wealth and goods around" in an equitable manner. The problem with this is that the "people" do not have the right to empower their government with this power to confiscate personal property and give it to those who don't have it; not if you believe in natural law and reason. Only anarchists or Marxists would propose such a redistribution of the wealth and goods that belong to other people who obtained it legally. If you gave it to your neighbor in an act of problem. Marxism, social justice and spreading the wealth around can be dangerous because the devil is in the details of how it is done. Stay allert!
Danjela Sandberg Mails in Support of Her Candidacy for Road Commissioner on
From Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg seeking
votes on Tuesday in the Republican Primary Election:
The post Danjela Sandberg Mai...
7 hours ago
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