Yesterday, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011 the 112th Congress of the United States of America was convened. In November of last year the "real power" of the United States "We The People" spoke in terms that politicians of all parties understand; they voted. I believe they told all on the Hill to start to behave as statesmen concerned with the welfare of this country and the individual and not be blinded by party partisanship. The American people want the Congress to follow the principles as set forth in the U.S. Constitution and at this point in history to be concerned about the economy, the deficit and jobs. Don't try to solve the world's problems...start with ours...they are a big enough challenge. I hope that all in the Congress got this message and also all in the Obama Administration including President Obama.
Do not listen to there words and promises...see and keep tract of what they DO. Constantly remind them that they are there to serve the United States and the electorate that put them there.
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Found on Legal Insurrection: “I told them that what I want you to do is
build your electric generating plant right next to your plant as a separate
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