SOMECITY, SOME STATE, U.S.A. - Looters were caught in SOMECITY stealing electronic goods from stores in SOME STATE, U.S.A. When asked to explain the reason for their actions they responded "we are on a shopping spree." One blamed the government saying that they are not getting enough entitlements and welfare to meet their ever increasing needs and wants. So here is another triumph for entitlement mentality...we need even bigger government and more spending for their ever increasing wants. They are justifying their actions so no one dare call them robbers, thieves and burglars, that would imply they did an illegal and immoral act...and we can't say such things in our politically correct society anymore.
These actions have taken place here in the U.S. and are leading us to the final destination of a national entitlement mentality and the nanny welfare state and eventually anarchy and fragmentation if not complete dissolution of the United States of America. Ever since FDR and his "new deal" and LBJ and his "war on poverty" this has been the trajectory that this nation has been on; it must change because it is not sustainable and will by the middle of this century if not sooner lead to the demise of this country...we will bury ourselves from foreign enemy will need lift an arm against us...we will do it to ourselves. On our national tombstone it will read "Here rests the United States of America...cause of death...economic suicide".
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
From Nunda Township Supervisor-Elect Mike Shorten:
The post Short Sends Endorsement Piece first appeared on McHenry County Blog
53 minutes ago
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