The egos and inflated self images of many physicists, cosmologists and astronomers have taken a blow to perhaps all that they think they know about the Universe of which they are a part. Over the last several weeks scientists have been shooting a beam of neutrinos to labs equipped to detect these strange particles which apparently react with little or nothing...they travel through our bodies and the earth and solid objects as if nothing was in their way. That in itself is interesting but they also seem to not obey Einstein's universal speed limit of 186,000 miles per second. It may be that all that we have taken for granted regarding Einstein's theory of relativity, the "standard theory" of subatomic particles and a myriad of so called "laws of nature" are do to expire and will have to be re-thought in the not so distant future. Good luck boys and girls!
Could it be that maybe we are not as smart as we thing we are and that nature and the cosmos is more than just one step ahead of us.
Short Sends Endorsement Piece
From Nunda Township Supervisor-Elect Mike Shorten:
The post Short Sends Endorsement Piece first appeared on McHenry County Blog
1 hour ago
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