In case after case across this country, in countless courtrooms it has been decided that the police are not liable or responsible for your personal safety or that of whatever property you possess or own. So who is? You are ultimately responsible for your own safety and that of your possessions.
In 2008 the Supreme Court struck down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban. On this coming Tuesday oral arguments will be presented to the Supreme Court to strike down the prohibition against law abiding Chicagoans from owning a handgun and keeping it in their home for self defence. We are not talking about concealed carry but just having a firearm in your home to protect yourself and your family. The case that will be presented is called McDonald v. City of Chicago. Why would anyone want to stop a law abiding citizen from defending his/her life, his/her families lives?
The attorneys general for Florida, Texas, Alaska, and 34 other states have urged the court to strike down Chicago 's gun ban. So have a majority of members of Congress and individual prosecutors from 34 California counties. What is it that these local mayors and small time politicians afraid off...could it be the realization that you, not govenment, are responsible for yourself and your family and that a lot of what they do is superfluous and unnecessary. If you don't have the fundamental right to defend your life you have nothing and the Constitution means nothing if this fundamental right is not upheld.
Projected 2025 McHenry County Employee Compensation: Ne-Pa
McHenry County publishes salary and fringe benefit estimates for those over
1200 employees. Nesbit Burnett, Taylor Supervisor, State’s Attorney
14 hours ago