We live in the land of Eden, a paradise of peace and tranquility.
Here are some statistics from the FBI.
Violet Crime:
Nonnegligent Homicide
Forcible Rape
Aggravated Assault
Property Crime:
Larceny - theft
Motor vehicle theft
Crime Rates NY,NY CHICAGO, IL U.S.A.
Violent Crimes 6 9 4
Property Crimes 3 6 4
As the numbers increase so does the rate of crime. So tonight when you go out to have a little fun and when you come back to hit the sack you can feel a lot better knowing you live in a really safe state that the politicians believe does not need a concealed carry provision so law abiding citizens can protect themselves and their families. Now don't you feel better knowing the facts from the FBI?....and the fact that many of our legislators just don't give a damn about your personal safety and your 2nd Amendment Rights.