When we sign a document today we rarely put our lives on the line. When the men who signed the Declaration of Independence did they literally signed their lives and whatever property or money away should the War of Independence end badly for America. They put their necks in the hangman's noose should they be captured and probably the British would have sold their family into slavery or placed them in a penal colony. How many of us today would have that kind courage (guts) to do that. They knew full well what their signatures at the bottom of that page in history meant...it meant everything...including their sacred honor...something that could not be measured by monetary values. It meant the destiny of a new experiment in government...a government where the people gave the government its powers (US Constitution) and people had rights given them by God not their fellow man; this was something new and unique in the annals of human history.
How many of us would take that chance? To stand up to the world's most powerful army, Great Britain's, and say we are now free and independent from you...for these good reasons; and then back it up with their very blood if necessary. These Patriots stand in a long line of Patriots that have taken that chance, some have laid down their lives so that we, today, can celebrate that ongoing experiment in government of the people, for the people and by the people...the experiment continues. Happy Birthday America....and many more!
Danjela Sandberg Mails in Support of Her Candidacy for Road Commissioner on
From Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg seeking
votes on Tuesday in the Republican Primary Election:
The post Danjela Sandberg Mai...
8 hours ago
What would happen today - in the USA, in Illinois, right here in Woodstock - if we were invaded? How many of us would say, "No way!" and step forward without hesitation to defend our families, our homes, ourselves?
I suspect just like in many sections of the country a lot of us would just stand there and wait for the GOVERNMENT to do it for us. I think a lot of us have been purposly conditioned to this way of thinking....in some contries this is called propaganda. This is one way of conditioning the people to believe that the GOVERNMENT has all the power and it flows from them to us...sublet but effective in the long run.
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