The more time passes the more things remain the same. This is a letter written from Port of Spain, Trinidad, February 9, 1916 to Mr. Henry Ford by Theodore Roosevelt.
My dear Mr. Ford:
I am very much pleased at your letter of the 3rd. Of course, when I come to Detroit it will be a great pleasure to see you. I want to go over at length with you this pacifist business. My dear sir, it was a real grief to me when you took the stand that you did about pacifism. I felt you had rendered a great service industrially, and therefore socially, to this people by what you had done in connection with your automobile factory. I hated to see you fall into the trap of pacifism; for in this country pacifism has been the enemy of morality for over fifty years. Don't forget that the pacifists of 1864 were the copperheads; that the men who put peace above righteousness without exception voted against Abraham Lincoln; that Abraham Lincoln had to war most strongly against the men who tried "to take the soldiers out of the trenches" in the Civil War. Righteousness, if triumphant, brings peace; but peace does not necessarily bring righteousness; and you my dear Mr. Ford, can render the very greatest service to this country if you will stand up for the valor of righteousness and put your great name and great influence back of that movement; and not try to help strike down righteousness in the name of peace - a copperhead peace.
Again cordially thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours,
Theodore Roosevelt
PS: I don't object to the professional pacifist movement merely because it is futile; I object to it because it is profoundly mischievous from a moral standpoint."
If we don't learn from history we are bound to repeat our mistakes. We must know the difference between righteousness and peace if we as a nation are to survive over the long run.
Danjela Sandberg Mails in Support of Her Candidacy for Road Commissioner on
From Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg seeking
votes on Tuesday in the Republican Primary Election:
The post Danjela Sandberg Mai...
8 hours ago
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