- Set up a schedule depending on your age, health and your doctor's recommendation as to at what intervals he/she wants to see you; even if you are feeling well, there may be reasons for the regular visits.
- Write down (preferably typed) on a blank white sheet of paper all the medications you take both prescription and over the counter and the dosage and how much per day you take. Date the sheet of paper with the date of the appointment.
- Stay focused on the one or two things that are giving you the most trouble and are the reason for the visit and have them written down along with any symptoms and a little history of when you first noted them and how they have developed. Nothing turns off a doctor as quickly as a patient who is unorganized, does not know what medications he/she is on and has no idea of exactly why they are there and start to enumerate 15 or 20 different conditions in the hope that the doctor will be able to solve them all in one 20 to 30 minute office visit. Trust me when I say that this approach in the long run and short run will not save you any money. If you have memory problems have someone you trust accompany you and assist you with the visit and the doctors recommendations for treatment.
- Take the medications as prescribed and for as long as prescribed. Do report any side effect that may develop while on the medications.
- Make sure you keep the follow up appointment with the doctor.
- Don't ever play lets trade medications with another person in the hope that their medication will work on you better....it may kill you.
- Do all things in moderation.
- Good health to you!
Danjela Sandberg Mails in Support of Her Candidacy for Road Commissioner on
From Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg seeking
votes on Tuesday in the Republican Primary Election:
The post Danjela Sandberg Mai...
7 hours ago
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