Semantics is often defined as the branch of linguistic science which deals with the meanings of words and especially with the development and change in these meanings. Civilization is often defined as the sum of qualities of a particular civilized society and civilized as being endowed with law, order and the conditions favorable to the arts and sciences; having refined manners and tastes. In this spectrum of definitions the most fundamental and foundational word is missing and does not seem to be as important in today's society as it was in the past and maybe that's why the world situation seems to be worsening and conditions for countries, governments, families and individuals seem to be getting worse on a global scale. That single most important word on which all human interactions and understanding should be based is Truth. Truth has been defined in many ways over thousands of years by thousands of people. I believe that truth is that which conforms with the seen and unseen existence within us, and the entire cosmos. If we as a country, a world cannot see much less understand yet that which is written in the natural processes, laws that created all that exists then we are doomed as a civilization and a world.
Science tells us that statistically it is much more scientific to believe in a designed cosmos with life in it than for it to have just happened by chance. There are not enough pieces of paper in all the earth filled with a decimal point followed by zeros to tell us the chance that this was not a designed undertaking. We must understand this and act in a manner which understands that we and the cosmos are here for a purpose and that purpose someday will be fulfilled and then we hopefully all can say "Oh now I understand". If mankind fully understood the entire purpose of his/her being and that of the cosmos where would be the fun in continuing this journey of mankind in understanding himself and the universe around him?
Danjela Sandberg Mails in Support of Her Candidacy for Road Commissioner on
From Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg seeking
votes on Tuesday in the Republican Primary Election:
The post Danjela Sandberg Mai...
8 hours ago
1 comment:
I remember having a discussion one time with someone about a word that had just been used. When I inquired whether that (word) was really what the person meant, the answer was, "It's just semantics."
I like the "Say what you mean and mean what you say" approach. Saying what you mean, means using the right words.
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