In my dictionary "liberty" is defined as "the condition of being free to choose, esp. as between ways of acting or living, with an implication of wisdom and voluntary restraint."
In the Preamble of the Libertarian Party Platform as adopted in Convention, May 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada it states:
As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.
In a world where all men and women were perfectly "angelic" this Utopian view would suffice. Unfortunately we are not "angels" and evil does exit which makes it necessary for a society (a community) to create a compact that most of us can agree to live and act under. There will always be outliers that will not agree with the entire compact or parts of it. Hopefully within the compact there will be language and tools included to settle these differences peacefully and enable the outliers to still remain in the compact granting them some type of licence or exemption to the part that they cannot in good conscience agree with. Unless we can achieve this using the tools we have been given, the Constitution and Bill of Rights this House, will not stand and the experiment started by our Founding Fathers will fail...never to return to the face of this Earth.
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